Everyday arts & poetry magazine

Posts tagged ‘Filmmaker’

Photo credit Florida Memory via Flickr Commons

What’s good in town? Watch on Bastart TV

Bastart | Milano-based web magazine è il canale video ufficiale del Festival dell’Illustrazione di Pavia. I primi filmati sono già online: un breve trailer su alcuni momenti dell’inaugurazione della 6° edizione al Castello Visconteo; e una music-poetry “Variazioni”, in cui il sax di Natan Sinigaglia incontra gli… ippogrifi

Vadim Nekrasov, composer-in-chief at 1A4 Studio

Meet the Uncensored Creativity: 1A4 Studio

In the world flooding with information, a talent for telling things shortly and to the point is alone a virtue. Add to this a daring fuck-the-system attitude plus a superb sense of humour, and you get a perfect Portrait of the Animators as Young Men. Their payoff might sound to you quite straight-forward (“Phckn awesome animation until death do us apart”) but it leaves no doubts: there’s a true commitment behind it.

Vitùc, Luxembourg-born Italian filmmaker, poet, photographer. Photo credit: courtesy of the artist.

Vitùc: telling poetry through the filmmaker’s lens

If he were a painter, he would probably work with a simple paintbrush. Well, he’s a poet so he uses a pen. A pen that ranges from Canon 7D to GoPro to, sometimes, iPhone 4S. Images are his words. Short films are his favourite genre. And music – oh, music – is the Muse. Vitùc is a Luxembourg-born Italian filmmaker, boasting a rich collection of visual poems, an ever-growing list of awards, and a bunch of highly choosy fans – such as David Lynch, to name just a few. Bastart managed to get a quick chat with the artist about shorts, poetry and… plastic bags floating in the air.